The physiological and clinical applications of this visceral manipulation: Volume 1

Visceral Manipulation: Abdomen, Volume 1


The Physiological and Clinical Application series of books has been a work in progress over the past 25 years. The overriding mission of this endeavor has been to provide manual therapists with complementary texts to help support and augment the study of Jean-Pierre Barral’s profound body of work, referred to as Visceral Manipulation. This first volume focuses on the general evaluation of the abdominal organs and the single most important skill that differentiates one manual therapist from another: listening techniques. We not only explore the physiology of the receptors within the hand that confer sensitivity, but we also discuss what it is, at a molecular level, that allows us to perform manual listening.

Additional information

Weight 4 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 8 × 3 in